Orthodontics for Children
Orthodontic Exams Should Begin No Later Than Age Seven
The following early warning signs usually indicate that your child should have an orthodontic exam:
• Early or late loss of teeth
• Difficulty in chewing or biting
• Mouth breathing
• Finger-sucking or other oral habits
• Crowding, misplaced, or blocked-out teeth
• Jaws that shift, make sounds, protrude or retrude
• Speech difficulty
• Biting the cheek or into the roof of the mouth
• Protruding teeth
• Teeth that meet in an abnormal way or don’t meet at all
• Facial imbalance
• Grinding or clenching of teeth

If your child is approaching the age of seven, it’s time to make an appointment for an initial exam. Unless a child is having a particular dental problem, the proper age for a childs’ first visit to the orthodontist is no later than seven years of age. Kare Orthodontics strongly encourages this practice. Often we will identify a potential problem, and recommend monitoring the childs’ growth and development. We can spot subtle problems with jaw growth and emerging teeth while baby teeth are present. Remember, Kare Orthodontics can improve most orthodontic problems at any age, but there is usually a best age in terms of the amount of improvement that can be achieved as well as the type of treatment employed and cost required. That best age is different for every patient, so the best time for a consultation is as soon as a possible problem is noticed.
For those families with preschoolers, the American Dental Association has recommended that the proper age for a child’s first visit to the dentist is three years of age. Usually all of the child’s primary teeth have erupted by then, and the teeth can be checked and cleaned without discomfort. The child and the parents can be given instructions in proper tooth brushing and advice on the proper diet to maintain maximum dental health.
Never Too Old To Be Your Best
It’s not unusual for us to treat an entire family, sometimes one after the other and sometimes simultaneously. Once parents see the beautiful results and the boost in self-esteem from their children after braces are off, they become excited about starting treatment for themselves.
Orthodontic treatment is a change for the better, regardless of your age. The biological process involved in tooth movement is the same in both adults and children. In many cases we can achieve very dramatic facial changes with adult orthodontics. Braces will NOT interfere with your lifestyle. You can do anything with braces – sing, play musical instruments, dine out, kiss, and have your picture taken. There are a few inconveniences, but you will adjust quickly. Certain treats, such as caramels and peanut brittle, will be off limits. Also, your mouth and teeth may be a little tender after adjustments. The good news is that the new techniques and materials used by our doctors greatly reduce the discomfort of wearing braces and also decrease the frequency of office visits and overall treatment time.
Kare Orthodontics is also sensitive to adults’ busy schedules.

We have designed our appointment times to best fit work and school hours. We also take late lunch hours to accommodate our patients during their lunch hours so that little time at work is missed.
Creating the most beautiful smiles is what we are about. There is no reason why our adult patients should not also experience this excitement. No, you are never too old to be your best, especially here at Kare Orthodontics!